Age-extended Groups

The concept of extended-age kindergarten groups implemented in 1997 is a central element of KIWI pedagogy: In our age-extended kindergartens, we warmly welcome children between the ages of one and six years. The basic idea behind age extension is that children need the community with other children - both developmentally homogeneous and heterogeneous - in order to fully develop their social skills (such as accepting responsibility, willingness to help, experiencing and allowing emotional belonging, etc.).

On the one hand, the age-extended groups should complement family structures, on the other hand, it offers the younger children the opportunity to benefit from the skills of the older children. The older children also benefit from the age-extended groups. By passing on what they have learned to the younger children, they consolidate and develop their skills. By showing consideration and empathy towards the younger ones, they also strengthen their social skills.

Age-extended Groups