The professional training and further education of employees is an important concern for KIWI. KIWI employees are registered in a comprehensive human resource development concept for specific professional groups.
The aim of these personnel development measures is to promote job-related skills and support the personal development of employees: Professional education and upbringing of children requires reflected pedagogical action as well as dealing with current scientific findings and pedagogical approaches.
Managing a kindergarten or after-school care centre requires knowledge of employee management, team development, public relations and business management. KIWI managers receive several years of management training.
In order to promote the skills and talents of its employees, KIWI provides each and every one of them with up to ten days of educational leave each year.
A special feature of KIWI's personnel development concept is the KIWI academy, where several hundred advanced training courses are offered every year. It is an integral part of the quality assurance and development of our association.